Syncretism and Identity: The Integration of Lutheranism among the Mari People of Bashkortostan, Russia
Cultural adaptation, ethnic identity, Lutheranism, Mari people, religious syncretismAbstract
Purpose of the Study: This study explores the intricate process of religious syncretism and identity transformation among the Mari people of Bashkortostan through the integration of Lutheranism into their traditional and Orthodox Christian practices. Methodology: Employing a mixed-methods approach, this research combines qualitative insights from field observations, interviews, and sociological surveys with quantitative data analysis to examine the impact of Lutheranism on the Mari's ethnic identity, cultural adaptation, and social dynamics. Main Findings: The findings reveal that culturally sensitive missionary strategies, including the use of the Mari language and incorporation of ethnic cultural elements into Lutheran worship, have facilitated the acceptance and integration of Lutheranism among the Mari, leading to the formation of a novel religious identity. This identity reflects a dynamic synthesis of traditional Mari beliefs and Lutheranism, embodying the broader phenomena of adaptation and resistance in a globalizing world. Applications of this Study: This study offers insights into the complexity of religious evolution and the role of syncretism in preserving cultural heritage amidst modern challenges. Novelty/Originality of this Study: The study contributes to the discourse on religious syncretism, cultural adaptation, and the resilience of ethnic identities, offering insights into the complexities of religious evolution and the role of syncretism in preserving cultural heritage amidst modern challenges. The research underscores the significance of intercultural dialogue and the adaptability of religious practices, highlighting the potential for mutual enrichment between global religious traditions and local cultural contexts.
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