The Validation of Islamic Work Ethic Scale in Islamic Higher Education Institutions
Confirmatory factor analysis, islamic work ethic, islamic higher education, scale validationAbstract
The present study proposes a model of measurement and validation of the Islamic work ethic scale, particularly in the Islamic academic institutions. The model is built based on the principles and values of Islamic thought which are sourced from the Qur’an and Hadith (tasyri’). 280 lecturers and academic staff of UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung (Islamic State University) participated in the study. The scale is validated through a validity test, reliability test, confirmatory factor analysis, and model feasibility analysis. The results show that the Islamic work ethic scale in which categorized as follows: (1) Niat; (2) Ihsan; (3) Itqan; (4) Amanah; (5) Tha’ah; (6) Ta’awun; (7) Mas’uliyah; and Manfa’ah, are having a good validity and reliability. The validation results by performing a CFA (Confirmatory Factor Analysis) toward various indicators of those dimensions also show that each dimension has a good loading factor and estimated regression values, which have met the eligibility criteria set by the model. Therefore, the results of the validation scale (Islamic work ethic scale) of the present study give a valid and reliable scale that has met psychometric properties to measure the Islamic work ethic in Islamic Higher Education Institutions.
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