The Characteristics of Sabr in the Cognitive, Social, and Emotional Development of 3-6 Years Children in the Learning Process Using Narrative Approach
Patience, Child Development, Cognitive, Socio-emotional, StorytellingAbstract
This research is motivated by instant habits that have an impact on the development of various aspects of early childhood. Parents begin to forget the essence of a process when children want something that should really need a process, namely the characteristics of patience. Therefore, it is very important to instill patient characteristics in children because it will affect the cognitive, emotional, and social aspects of children's development. Patience is holding oneself in the face of various trials, not giving up easily, and always conditioning oneself in a state of complete control over one's anger. According to experts, the characteristics of patience consist of two levels: the low level is persistence in carrying out obedience, not giving up easily, and not being in a hurry, while, the high level is refraining from prohibitions, not being controlled by lust, full control over anger and self-restraint. from trials. This study used an experimental approach using the classroom action research method with the Kemmis and Mc Tangart design. This activity consists of two cycles, each cycle consisting of two levels of patient characteristics; the low level is persistence in carrying out obedience, not giving up easily, and not being in a hurry, which is applied to cycle I, while the high levels it is applied to cycle II is to refrain from forbidden, not controlled by lust, full of control over anger and refrain from temptation. The results of the research that has been done prove that the application of patient characteristics using the storytelling method can improve the cognitive, emotional, and social development of children aged 3-6. The results of the study showed that all subjects experienced an increase in the form of a progressive curve in a positive direction, which meant that the more intensive the patient characteristics using the storytelling method in children aged 3-6 years, the higher the cognitive, emotional and social development of children of that age.
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