Implementation of Rule-Base and Internet Methods of Things Optimizing Water Mangement For Improving Seed Quality

Implementation of Rule-Base and Internet Methods of Things Optimizing Water Mangement For Improving Seed Quality


  • Yana Aditia Gerhana UIN Sunan Gunung Djati
  • Deden Suparman UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung


Arduino Uno, Hydroponics, NFTs, Censorship


System hydroponics Nutrients Film Technique (NFT) is one of the increasingly popular plant cultivation techniques used because it can increase the efficiency of water and nutrient use as well as crop yields. The NFT Hydroponic System has problems that are often faced in the form of control that must be optimal for important parameters like pH, temperature water, And concentration nutrition, so that can influence plant health and growth and need a good environment controlled To avoid decline quality plant or withering plant. Study This design uses Arduino Uno as a center control system monitoring hydroponics NFTs Which in add sensors pH For read value from pH water, sensors TDS used For read density nutrition, sensors temperature DS18B20 used For read temperature water Because own waterproff and water sensor features flow to read the amount of water flow. Data is read by the sensor and Then sent to Firebase through module NodeMCU which has been connected to the Arduino Uno then from Firebase it is created output form information to the user through the application mobile. Results testing done with the use 3 media Which were different as much 60 time experienced 58 successes and 2 failures resulted in a score accuracy of 96.6% of the total testing.




How to Cite

Gerhana, Y. A., & Suparman, D. (2024). Implementation of Rule-Base and Internet Methods of Things Optimizing Water Mangement For Improving Seed Quality. ISTEK, 13(1), 7–11. Retrieved from




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