Khazanah Multimedia and Game is committed to advancing the fields of multimedia and game studies through rigorous research and insightful analysis. The journal focuses on a broad range of topics related to multimedia technologies and game design, including but not limited to:

  1. Multimedia Systems: Research on multimedia applications, including audio, video, and interactive media. This encompasses new technologies, innovative applications, and the integration of multimedia in various contexts.

  2. Game Design and Development: Studies on game mechanics, narrative design, user experience, and game development processes. This includes research on game engines, tools, and techniques used in the creation of digital and physical games.

  3. Interactive Entertainment: Exploration of interactive media experiences beyond traditional gaming, such as virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and mixed reality (MR). Research in this area examines how these technologies enhance user engagement and interaction.

  4. Theoretical Perspectives: Analysis of theoretical frameworks and models related to multimedia and game studies. This includes discussions on aesthetics, semiotics, and the impact of multimedia and games on culture and society.

  5. Educational Applications: Research on the use of multimedia and games in educational settings, including the development of educational games and multimedia learning tools. This includes studies on pedagogical approaches and their effectiveness.

  6. User Experience and Interaction Design: Investigations into how users interact with multimedia systems and games, including user interface (UI) design, user experience (UX) research, and accessibility considerations.

  7. Industry Trends and Case Studies: Analysis of current trends in the multimedia and gaming industries, including market dynamics, case studies of successful projects, and professional practices.