Editor Guidelines

Editor in Religion and Policy will be :

  1. Stringent Article Selection:
    • Choose articles based on quality, originality, and relevance to the journal's focus.
    • Consider methodological aspects, data accuracy, and clarity of presentation.
  2. Robust Peer Review Process:
    • Ensure that each article undergoes a rigorous and fair peer review process.
    • Select reviewers who are experts in the field relevant to the article.
  3. Commercialization and Marketing:
    • Engage in journal marketing strategies to enhance visibility and appeal to authors and readers.
    • Consider the journal's online presence and networking within the scholarly community.
  4. Enhancement of Article Quality:
    • Provide constructive feedback to authors to improve article quality.
    • Encourage authors to revise based on peer review feedback.
  5. Efficient Journal Management:
    • Ensure that the editorial process runs efficiently, including timely management of peer review, revisions, and publication.
    • Use an integrated journal management system to facilitate administrative tasks.
  6. Plagiarism Prevention:
    • Implement plagiarism detection tools to ensure article authenticity.
    • Review journal policies regarding plagiarism and enforce consequences accordingly.
  7. Effective Communication:
    • Establish effective communication with authors, reviewers, and readers.
    • Respond promptly and professionally to inquiries or concerns.
  8. Evaluation and Policy Development:
    • Regularly evaluate and update editorial policies and ethical standards.
    • Consider changes in publishing trends and ethical standards within the academic publishing landscape.
  9. Impact Factor Assessment:
    • Work to improve the journal's impact factor by including high-quality articles and engaging in marketing strategies.
    • Consider criteria and practices conducive to enhancing the impact factor.
  10. Training and Development:
    • Provide training to reviewers and editorial staff to enhance their skills.
    • Encourage professional development for the editorial team.
  11. Ethics in Publishing:
    • Understand and apply publishing ethics, including protection of intellectual property rights and copyright.
    • Address ethical violations decisively and transparently.

