Copyright Assignment



As an author of Tabligh: Jurnal Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam of Program Islamic Communication and Broadcasting, Dakwah and Communication Faculty, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, I, who sign below:



  1. My paper is authentic; my own writing and it has not been published/proposed on any other journals and publication.
  2. My paper is not plagiarism but my original idea/research.
  3. My paper is not written by other help, except with Board of Editors and Reviewers recommendation who have been chosen by this journal.
  4. In my paper, there are no other writings or opinions except referred in bibliography and relevant with the rule of writing in this journal.
  5. I give all my copyright of this paper to this journal include the right for managing and publication.
  6. I make this assignment surely. If there are distortion and untruth in this assignment, later, I will take responsibility as the current law.  

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