About the Journal

Mabahits Al-Uqud is a scholarly journal dedicated to exploring and advancing discussions on contract law and legal principles. The journal specializes in the examination of various forms of contracts (uqud) in Islamic law, encompassing both tijari (commercial) and tabarru'at (non-commercial) agreements. It serves as a platform for rigorous academic research and analysis, aiming to contribute significantly to developing knowledge in this specialized field.

Mabahits Al-Uqud covers a wide range of topics, including but not limited to:

The mission of Mabahits Al-Uqud is to provide a scholarly platform for researchers, practitioners, and academics to exchange ideas, insights, and research findings related to contract law and Islamic contract law. By fostering high-quality research and promoting scholarly dialogue, the journal aims to enhance the understanding and application of contractual principles in academic and practical contexts.

Mabahits Al-Uqud welcomes submissions from scholars, researchers, and practitioners worldwide who are engaged in the study and practice of contract law. The journal's audience includes legal professionals, academics, policymakers, and students interested in advancing their knowledge of contract law, Islamic contract law, and its implications.

Articles submitted to Mabahits Al-Uqud undergo rigorous peer review to ensure academic rigor and integrity. The journal adheres to high publication ethics and transparency standards, providing a fair and constructive review process for authors. It is published biannually to ensure timely dissemination of new research and developments in the field.

For inquiries, submissions, or more information about Mabahits Al-Uqud, please contact the editorial team at magister.hes@uinsgd.ac.id. Visit our website for submission guidelines and to explore past issues.

Mabahits Al-Uqud is committed to contributing to the scholarly discourse on contract law, especially from an Islamic perspective, and invites researchers to advance this important field of study.
