A Determining the Law of Reading Tajweed (Idgham Qomariyah and Syamsiyah) in the Qur'an Using the Naïve Bayes Algorithm
Naive Bayes, Tajweed, Qur'anAbstract
Learning tajweed to recite the Qur’an is important. Because if there is a mispronunciation, the meaning will be different. This research aims to detect two of the many tajweed, namely idghom qomariyah and syamsiyah using machine learning technology with a classification approach. This research uses the Naive Bayes algorithm to classify idghom qomariyah and syamsiyah in Al-Quran text documents. Based on experimental results using 82,173 text data, Naive Bayes was able to classify idgham qomariyah and syamsiyah with an accuracy rate of 96,80%.
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