Focus and Scope

The Khazanah Journal of Religion and Technology is dedicated to advancing the understanding of the complex relationship between religion and technology. The journal aims to serve as a platform for publishing original research that explores the intersection of these two domains, focusing on recent and contemporary media and technology.

The journal welcomes empirical research that investigates how religious ideas and practices are communicated, studied, represented, enforced, and countered through various technological means. This includes but is not limited to the examination of religion in films, social media, games, websites, applications, and television.

We invite researchers to contribute studies that shed light on the diverse aspects of the interaction between religion and technology. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  1. The role of technology in religious communication: Exploring how religious communities and individuals utilize technology to disseminate religious messages, engage with believers, and foster virtual religious experiences.

  2. Digital religious practices and rituals: Investigating the emergence and impact of online religious practices, virtual religious communities, and digital rituals.

  3. Religion and social media: Examining the influence of social media platforms on religious discourse, religious identity formation, and religious movements.

  4. Religious representation in media and popular culture: Analyzing the portrayal of religion, religious figures, and religious narratives in films, television shows, video games, and other forms of media.

  5. Ethical implications of religious technology: Addressing ethical considerations and challenges arising from the integration of technology into religious practices, such as data privacy, digital surveillance, and the preservation of religious authenticity.

  6. Technological innovations in religious institutions: Investigating how religious institutions adopt and adapt to new technologies, including the development of religious websites, applications, virtual reality experiences, and interactive installations.

While the journal encourages research from diverse religious traditions, literary genres, and geographic areas, the emphasis remains on contemporary and recent phenomena in the realm of religion and technology. Theological writings, however, fall outside the scope of the journal and are not typically accepted for publication.

The Khazanah Journal of Religion and Technology seeks to foster interdisciplinary scholarship, encouraging contributions from researchers in fields such as religious studies, media studies, communication studies, sociology, anthropology, psychology, and computer science. The journal aims to contribute to the social-scientific conversation and promote a nuanced understanding of the dynamic relationship between religion and technology in today's digital age.