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Andini Putri Kurniasih
Agry Pramita
Dian Nurrachman


This study examines the causes of discrimination by the characters and the impact on the characters in the film Beauty and The Beast (2017) directed by Bill Condon based on the theory of the causes of discrimination from Yahya (in Gundala & Sari: 2022) and the theory of the impact of discrimination from Brown (2015). This film tells the story of a prince who is cursed to become a beast because he discriminates against an old woman. The purpose of this study is to determine the causes and effects of gender discrimination in the film Beauty and The Beast (2017). This research uses literary criticism method with mimetic approach to describe gender-based discrimination. The results of this study show that there are 4 acts of gender discrimination caused by the psychological defense mechanism of the perpetrator, disappointment, and discrimination socialization patterns that have an impact on psychological and social conditions.f

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