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This research aims to analyze the study of scientific methods put forward by Gay & Diehl, through the detective Sherlock Holmes short story The Boscombe Valley Mystery by Arthur Conan Doyle. This research uses qualitative methods to explain the scientific methods contained in Arthur Conan Doyle's detective story. The study of scientific methods according to Gay & Diehl has five stages, namely Recognition and definition of the problem, Formulation of hypotheses, Collection of data, Analysis of data, and Statement of conclusions. The research results show that these stages are in accordance with the detective's investigative steps in the story. This is depicted in the narrative or characters in the story. The first stage is through the introduction of the detective character and the introduction of the case, the second stage is through presumptions against James McCarthy, the third stage is through collecting evidence, the fourth stage is through collecting evidence and the suspect's confession, the fifth stage is through the narrator's narrative which describes that the case has been completed with the discovery of the suspect.
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